Founding Principles

  1. The ultimate goal of education is not to produce a degree, but many Godly generations. 
    Isa. 58:12, Ps. 78:6, Ps. 12:1-2
  2. God charges parents and grandparents with the ultimate responsibility of training their sons and daughters.
    Gal. 4:1-2, Deut. 6:7, Prov. 17:6
  3. God established the home as the primary learning centre and the school and church are recognized as extensions of it.
    Deut. 6:7, 1 Tim. 3:5
  4. God wants the priorities of every family to be built around the daily study of Scripture, rather than on the accumulation of man’s knowledge.
    James  1:21, Josh. 1:8
  5. Children pick up the value system of those they spend the most interactive, communicative time with.
    Prov. 13:20, Prov.  1:10-19
  6. Boys and girls have differing aptitudes, and sensitivity to each child’s uniqueness must be shown.
  7. When children are grouped according to age, older role models are cut off and rebels usually rise to leadership.
    1 Pet. 5:5
  8. When Scriptural moral values are separated from courses, the contents come under the control of human reasoning.
    2 Tim. 3:16-17, Isa. 55:8-9
  9. True socializing does not take place in arbitrary groupings of children in age-segregated classes, but in the real world of children to adult relationships.
    2 Cor. 10:12


  1. To invite each child to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, achieve growth towards Christian maturity, attain a deeper understanding of commitment to service, and become a more effective witness for the Lord.
  2. To assist parents in educating and training their children and in having a successful family by providing training and support for parenting.
  3. To emphasize the individuality of the person and to assist each child in properly responding to himself and others. To develop self-confidence, individual God given talents and abilities in creativity, goal setting communications, academics, and the principles of success.
  4. To promote self-discipline by training students to be diligent, consistent, appreciative, responsible and thorough in attitude, character and actions.
  5. To assist each child in seeking his higher purpose for life’s service and necessary preparation for eternity through construction of a biblical worldview and emphasis upon biblical relevance.
  6. To achieve learning progress regardless of the educational background.
  7. To eliminate grade level failure and repetition.
  8. To help each child learn how to live to honour the Lord by meeting the daily responsibilities with which God has entrusted him.

Student Uniforms

ACA utilizes uniforms because a uniform:

  • Enables youth to be an example to others of modest and neat dress
  • Eliminates clothing-based peer pressure
  • Results in a higher level of discipline – which carries over to academics
  • Improves a student’s self-image
  • Enhances classroom and school décor
  • Provides identification for building esprit-de-corps
  • Reduces yearly clothing costs
  • Eliminates the daily decision of what to wear
  • Provides a school identity in the community
  • Standardizes and neutralizes externals while enhancing individualization in internal character development