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ROSM Donations

If you would like to donate to Aldergrove Christian Academy or New Life Christian Counselling, please send your donation via e-transfer to and specify which ministry you would like to support. 

ROSBC Donations

Click the button above to set up

  • Secure one-time giving,
  • Recurring giving (set for the 20th of each month) or
  • A profile to keep track of your online giving and save your information for future donations

On-Site Debit/Credit Machine is available at our office during regular hours (Mon. - Fri., 9 am-3 pm). Please fill out the front of your offering envelope in full for debit/credit card donations, and place the merchant transaction copy in the envelope.

Please note credit card transactions incur fees which the church must pay.

The spending of funds is confined to the programs and oversight of Rose of Sharon Baptist Church.

Each gift designated toward a church program will be used as designated. When any given need has been met, or where projects cannot be reasonably carried out, the donor agrees that designated gifts may be used where needed most.

Please feel free to contact the church office if you have any questions.